Expert and Innovation Network on Urban Future and Smart Cities

Active and healthy aging in cities: It’s possible!

Being active is not a matter of age or financial options. As Austria’s population grows older and stays active longer, offers for people over the age of 60 must keep up with this development. If you think that playgrounds are just for kids, you’re wrong. The latest trend is called “playgrounds for seniors”. More and more cities are taking up this trend and equip their green areas with outdoor exercise facilities, as people of all ages have the right to have fun and to exercise. Active together rather than isolation — that’s the motto of the future.

Being active is not a matter of age or financial options. As Austria’s population grows older and stays active longer, offers for people over the age of 60 must keep up with this development. If you think that playgrounds are just for kids, you’re wrong. The latest trend is called “playgrounds for seniors”. More and more cities are taking up this trend and equip their green areas with outdoor exercise facilities, as people of all ages have the right to have fun and to exercise. Active together rather than isolation — that’s the motto of the future.

What is a playground for seniors?

A playground for seniors is an outdoor facility with easy-to-use equipment for exercising various physical functions. In general, the age-appropriate fitness equipment is based on the constitution and the movement sequences of seniors and can be operated without great effort, flexibility, coordination and stamina. In addition, it is important that the use of the devices is safe and that the materials are non-slip. In most fitness parks, the four key elements of fitness – aerobic, strength, training, activity and flexibility — are combined. They are equipped with low-threshold devices, which provide different levels of difficulty and various demands on muscle groups. These are for example: ergometers, backtrackers, balancing devices or crosstrainers.

The devices can be used by people with limited agility, balance and flexibility and some even allow wheelchair users to participate. Since many older adults often have little experience in dealing with fitness equipment, the attachment of an exercise manual is useful. Questions such as: How should the device be used?, How does it contribute to health? or Which safety instructions must be observed?, should be answered by it. However, also courses can be held in such outdoor exercise facilities. The instructions are then done by a trainer. But not only seniors, but also grandchildren or middle-aged adults can use the existing offers in such exercise parks.

Thereby cross-generational activities should be promoted and additional places of movement for young and old should be created. Often there are additionally offered leisure activity possibilities like chessfields or tracks for bocce. Many playgrounds for seniors are even connected to children’s playgrounds and thus can be used by grandparents and grandchildren at the same time. This is a possibility how grandparents can couple workouts with caring for grandchildren. The concept of free outdoor exercise for older adults originally comes from China. More than 20 years ago, outdoor exercise facilities were set up for adults to encourage them to exercise their bodies together in the spirit of Traditional Chinese Medicine. These parks are an integral part of the Chinese cityscape. Visitors of all ages meet there for sporty and playful activities.

Benefits of regular physical activity

People today are healthier and live longer than ever before. Playgrounds for seniors are designed to help older people to get into a physically active and healthy everyday life. The various devices for different body areas demand the mobility, coordination, relaxation of the muscles and the support of the circulation. In general, outdoor exercise facilities are geared to the special motoric requirements of seniors and promote the well-being and the physical fitness and support an independent lifestyle in old age. The regular use of equipment in fitness parks promotes individual health and increases the quality of life and the number of healthy years of life. Thus, for example, a prevention of age diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases or diabetes, can take place. But not only body, mind and soul are strengthened, but also social interaction.

This also reduces demarcation tendencies and stigmatization processes against older adults. Some devices can also be used by two people at the same time, which promotes communication among each other. Social elements, such as training together, events, like picnics or tournaments, or regular meetings can contribute to community support. By maintaining the contacts, loneliness in old age can be fought. Fitness parcours are therefore social meeting places, promote the establishment of contacts and avoid isolation.

Study on public elderly fitness corners

In 2014, the research group “Geriatrie der Charité” carried out a study with senior citizens in the fitness parcour on the “Nauener Platz” in Berlin. The aim of this study was to analyse the usage pattern of the fitness park and the effects on health over 12 weeks. It was investigated whether the use leads to an increased quality of life, better fitness and an improved balance and thus to a reduced fall risk. In addition, it was examined which factors promote and which prevent the motivation of old people in the outdoor-park. In fact, after the intervention phase, senior citizens were more active and some even exceeded their own goals.

Similarly, on the social level, the outdoor training had positive effects: 70 percent of the subjects were able to make new contacts and even wanted to maintain these after the project. Also a study conducted by the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan in 2013, which surveyed 55 seniors, obtained positive results. The older adults not only experienced physical and psychological improvement, but could also make new contacts through the outdoor training. More vitality, social viability, emotional role function and psychological well-being could be gained through exercising in fitness parks.

Recreation, physical activity and joy — these are the three elements that are essential to the general well-being. Playgrounds for seniors can combine these elements. A future goal is to take the needs of the growing demographic group of older adults into account, when designing residential and recreational areas. Fitness parcours offer a great potential to strengthen the health sustainably and to bring more movement into the everyday life of people. By establishing such offers, less isolation, marginalization and stigmatization take place in old age. So, let’s take more advantage of what we have: green areas, nature, neighborhoods — and enrich it with professional design in the form of outdoor exercise facilities. Come outside and be active!