Expert and Innovation Network on Urban Future and Smart Cities



CYBERTRAP is a Cybersecurity company headquartered in Vienna, Austria, specialising in deception technology for government organisations and large enterprises in EMEA and APAC. The company was founded in 2015 following a successful project conducted by SEC Consult, a leading European Cybersecurity consulting firm employing more than 100 security specialists. In 2017, CYBERTRAP launched its pioneering deception as a service, which for the first time makes advanced deception technology more cost effective and accessible for midsize companies.. CYBERTRAP understands the struggle of attack prevention and created significant relief by offering a revolutionary technology that not only helps to detect targeted attacks in real-time, but also to identify the attackers and their goals. With our custom tailored, highly advanced “Deception Technology made in Austria” we take control of attacks. Our goal is to always be ahead of the attacker to learn and improve. (This is a Fight Crime & Terrorism supplier created by SYNYO for demo purposes.)

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