Expert and Innovation Network on Urban Future and Smart Cities


About is the European observatory of research and innovation in the field of cybersecurity and privacy. Funded under the European Commission's H2020 programme, this brand-new project will contribute to making the Digital Single Market a safer place by promoting the uptake and understanding of cutting-edge cybersecurity and privacy services which emerge from Research and Innovation initiatives across Europe. First to benefit are SMEs who will have unlimited access to project information and also to a Marketplace of new services to help improve their cybersecurity offering. In its four-year lifetime, will also play a key role in policy discussions. In its mission to democratise cybersecurity for all, the project directly responds to the objectives of the recently signed contractual Public-Private Partnership on cybersecurity (c-PPP) which could become the reference framework for research and innovation initiatives across Europe. As the online hub for research and innovation in cybersecurity & privacy in Europe, the website offers European citizens a single gateway to innovative and trustworthy ICT products, services and software which take fundamental rights, such as privacy, into consideration.

Member Info
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  • Foundation Year
  • Activity Radius