Expert and Innovation Network on Urban Future and Smart Cities



Defendec was established in 2007. Initial aim and focus of the company was to create IoT based products. The first sensor for border surveillance was released in 2009.​ Since then, we have constantly innovated the defence and security perimeter protection meaning. The company operates globally, having partners and installations in 30 countries and offices in UK, US and Estonia. Our current main product is Smartdec, which has been used for securing NATO's and European Union's external borders. Smartdec helps to stop International smuggling, illegal trafficking and border crossing and other acts of sabotage, making it the technology of choice among defence forces and border guards. Defendec’s experienced team is continuously committed to designing and developing our products further. Today, our team has accomplished to create low power routing mechanism and communication protocol for our wireless cameras. This enables our equipment to be online and work up to 400 days without any human intervention. In the near future we will see new versions of AI algorithms analysing and grouping all the information captures by our sensors automatically. Defendec has an in-house software & hardware design and production, thus enabling us to shorten development and product launch cycle. All our technology is patented. Defendec has ISO certification as ISO 9001:2015, which proves our commitment and quality for manufacturing, deploying and developing our wireless sensors. Our team here in Defendec is committed to a vision which is to automate border protection, law enforcement and security processes. Today, our technology already covers all the surveillance processes which enables intruder detection, smart decisions based on AI and required countermeasures. We believe that in the future, human involvement in those processes is minimal or not necessary.

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