Expert and Innovation Network on Urban Future and Smart Cities



Johanniter International (JOIN) is a partnership of 16 national charity organisations founded by the Order of St John in Europe and the Middle East, and the 4 Orders of St John in Europe. Member organisations carry out a broad range of activities. However, they have a common purpose in that they work to prevent and respond to emergencies aiming at helping people in everyday need as well as crisis. Services and support are open to everyone. This shared approach to humanitarian welfare and social aid is based on the member organisations' Christian heritage. HOW WE WORK The work of JOIN charities is made possible through the combined efforts of over 100,000 volunteers and professionals, who believe that our societies need people that care for other people. Activities and projects are funded by donations from individuals, companies and foundations across the world. Get in touch to find out how you can support our work. Together we can provide crucial help to thousands of people in crisis, and continue to improve the daily lives of millions of people in Europe and around the world. The central office of Johanniter International is located in Brussels. Its representatives advocate the interest of the St John charities within the European Union and facilitate Europe-wide cooperation as well as international projects.

Member Info
  • Country
  • Foundation Year
  • Activity Radius