Expert and Innovation Network on Urban Future and Smart Cities



At SYNYO we focus on the intersection between Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and society to provide smart solutions to citizens, consumers and decision makers. Our team consists of highly motivated employees specialized in various technical fields, including software engineering, social media analytics and information visualisation. This technical expertise is applied to tackle contemporary societal challenges in various disciplines such as big/open data research, smart technologies, safety and security, energy, environment, mobility and smart cities. Understanding society, processes of social, cultural, economic and political change and social phenomena in general, are indispensable prerequisites for identifying technological demands as well as for designing and implementing new technologies. Therefore, SYNYO connects available data to a wide array of research fields from which valuable insights into issues of societal relevance can be deduced and for example social inclusion of marginalised groups can be fostered. Instead focusing on particular area in regards to ICT and society, SYNYO assigns great importance to interdisciplinarity and considers the whole range of social and technological research, which enables to view and analyse issues of interest from various perspectives.

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