Expert and Innovation Network on Urban Future and Smart Cities



Our Pop-up Science Shop is around Artificial Intelligence, because AI is developing at a fast rate and is already influencing people’s lives more than they realise. From algorithms that drive your Facebook feed, to big data analysis to support doctors’ diagnoses and facial recognition by security cameras. Applications that can improve our lives, but can also have negative side effects for our privacy or make biased decisions. So it is only fair that communities have a say in where and how this technology is used and come forward with their own questions and needs. The Oxford Science Shop is based in the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division, but is looking at AI from a broader human and societal perspective. And Artificial Intelligence can also be a mean to explore other themes. Here are some themes we would like to work on: The robot doesn’t care? Artificial Intelligence in Health Living rivers on our doorstep. Water quality, biodiversity and citizen science Where does it leave me? Human rights and ethics in use of data and automated decisions

Member Info
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Foundation Year
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